Divine Order in Difficult Times: Finding Purpose in Pain


Candle and divinity cards with lady justice as the main focusLife can be unpredictable. One moment you feel secure, and the next, it feels as though the world is falling apart. Whether it’s rejection, loss of a job, health problems, or natural disasters, these stressors can leave us feeling broken and overwhelmed. Yet, within the chaos, there is a divine order that guides us, helping us grow stronger and more resilient through life's hardships.

Divine Law may feel like an abstract idea but when applied to painful experiences they are deeply relatable to the real, often painful, experiences we face as human beings.


1. The Law of Divine Oneness

Imagine losing a job or experiencing rejection in a relationship. It’s easy to feel isolated and alone. But this law reminds us that every experience is interconnected with all the other experiences you have had previously. Our experiences, painful as they are, are woven into the larger tapestry of life, connecting us to ourselves and to others who have faced similar challenges. This connection reminds us that we are part of something bigger and can find healing in the community. Losing that job or that relationship might be part of the greater design, opening space for something more aligned with your true purpose or to a truer-lasting partnership.

2. The Law of Vibration

Everything in the universe vibrates at its own frequency, including our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Ever notice how being around negativity only seems to make you feel worse? Traumatic events can lower our vibration, but as we begin to process and heal, our vibration rises. This law teaches that you can raise your vibration by focusing on higher energies like gratitude, hope, and kindness. After a tough breakup, for instance, you might start by finding things you’re grateful for, which can slowly shift your energy away from loss and toward healing.

3. The Law of Correspondence

If life feels chaotic—like a series of one disaster after another—this law tells you to look within. This law teaches that the patterns we see in the world around us often mirror what is happening within us. By understanding that our external circumstances reflect our internal state, we gain the power to change both. Are there unresolved feelings or beliefs driving these external patterns? If you’ve experienced a string of health problems, for example, this might be a call to examine deeper issues like stress or emotional burnout. Healing the internal often reflects in a more stable outer world.

4. The Law of Attraction

Have you ever noticed how dwelling on negative thoughts seems to attract more negativity? It’s like being in a downward spiral after a big loss. The Law of Attraction reminds us that what we focus on grows. So, even in tough times, trying to shift your focus toward what you do want—healing, better opportunities, or healthier relationships—helps to manifest positive change. During traumatic experiences, we may experience more pain if we dwell on fear and negativity. However, shifting our focus toward healing, self-compassion, and hope can begin to attract more positive outcomes and opportunities for growth.

5. The Law of Inspired Action

Say you’ve been laid off from work, and now you’re anxious about finding a new job. Healing from a painful experience requires us to take conscious action toward our own recovery. This law emphasizes that we cannot simply wait for things to get better; we must actively engage in taking steps to mold the experience and create the reality we crave— in the event of job loss we might update our resume, engage in networking, or learn new skills. Other actions that support the life we crave might be engaging in spiritual practices or building supportive relationships. Inspired actions align you with what you want to attract.

6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Energy is always in motion and can be transformed. Trauma can fill us with heavy, dark energy, but by engaging in activities that bring light—such as creative expression, meditation, or helping others—we can transform that energy into something constructive and healing.

7. The Law of Cause and Effect

After going through something tough, like a financial crisis, it can feel like things will never change. But this law reminds us that everything has a consequence. Painful or traumatic experiences may seem unfair, but how we respond to it determines the trajectory of our healing. Small, positive actions—like creating a budget or taking a side job—will eventually add up. Every step toward healing or improvement creates a ripple effect in your life. By making choices that prioritize self-care and growth, we can influence the ripple effect of positive change in our lives.


8. The Law of Compensation

You might feel like you've lost everything after a personal tragedy, but this law ensures that life brings balance. That doesn’t mean the pain vanishes, but it often brings unexpected gifts—like deeper wisdom, stronger resilience, or new relationships that wouldn’t have existed without the hardship. While trauma often feels like loss, the Law of Compensation ensures that everything we experience leads to balance. The pain we endure often paves the way for greater rewards—whether that’s personal growth and new found strength or a gift beyond what we can fathom.


9. The Law of Relativity

When facing trauma, like a serious illness or a natural disaster, it’s easy to feel like no one else understands. This law teaches that all things are relative. Even in the darkest moments, we can find perspective. We can compare our current situation with past challenges and realize how far we've come. This shifts our mindset from one of defeat to one of hope and progress.


10. The Law of Polarity

Bad times and good times exist side by side. After going through something like divorce or job loss, it’s hard to imagine things getting better. But this law teaches that Everything has an opposite. Your pain proves your potential for joy and peace. The dark moments will always have their counterpart in moments of light—this is the balance of life. The pain we experience can serve to remind us that we can heal and thrive once again.

11. The Law of Rhythm

Life ebbs and flows. When you’re stuck in a tough situation—whether it’s grief or financial hardship—this law reminds us that this too will pass. Trauma may feel like a period of destruction, but it is part of the larger cycle of life that ultimately leads to renewal and rebirth. Trusting the rhythm of life can make the lows more bearable, knowing that they won’t last forever.

12. The Law of Gender

This law isn't about literal gender; it's about balancing action and rest, or "doing" and "being." In the face of trauma, like the loss of a loved one, there’s often an urge to push through the pain with endless busyness. But healing requires balance—action in dealing with practical matters, and stillness to process emotions. Both energies are necessary for recovery.

By understanding these laws in the context of your life, it becomes clearer that each struggle, no matter how painful, serves a purpose. Every setback contains the seeds of transformation, helping you grow stronger and more aligned with your true self. Trauma and painful experiences don’t break us—they shape us, bringing us closer to our true selves and aligning us with the divine order of the universe.