Exploring the Power of Zeal Through Play


Varying Generations engaged in play.

Zeal is more than just excitement; it's a focused, energetic passion that can transform the way we approach life. Whether you're tackling a new project or navigating personal growth, zeal can provide the drive you need to move forward with enthusiasm. One of the best ways to experience and harness the power of zeal is through play.

Play isn't just for children—it's a powerful tool for adults, too. It encourages creativity, builds resilience, and invites us to connect with our inner energy. In fact, structured play can be an ideal way to demonstrate zeal and explore its impact on our well-being and interpersonal dynamics.

Play as a Catalyst for Zeal

At its core, play ignites the type of enthusiasm that is central to zeal. When we engage in playful activities, we're not only having fun but also breaking down barriers that usually hold us back—fear, hesitation, and doubt. Play invites us to fully immerse ourselves in the present moment, a key aspect of embracing zeal.

Consider a recent experience I had while hosting activities for children. We began with a simple yet exciting demonstration using Coke and Mentos, which produced an eruption of energy and excitement. The kids were captivated by the rapid reaction, and this moment of awe became a powerful metaphor for zeal: an eruption of movement, energy, and passion all at once. That brief, focused activity sparked a contagious enthusiasm that set the tone for the rest of our time together.

Next, we moved indoors for a balloon game that required everyone to keep multiple balloons in the air while lively music played. The kids quickly became engrossed in the challenge. Their focus, collaboration, and laughter illustrated how zeal can inspire us to move with purpose and joy. As the game evolved into a lighthearted "balloon war," the room buzzed with excitement. Each participant was fully committed to the moment, exploring the bounds of fun and connection.

The Role of Curiosity and Child-Like Energy

Play allows us to reconnect with the curiosity we often lose as we grow older. Children approach the world with a sense of wonder, unburdened by societal expectations or the need to perform a certain way. This pure form of curiosity is at the heart of zeal. When we allow ourselves to embrace the spirit of child-like exploration, we open ourselves up to new experiences, innovative ideas, and passionate pursuits.

However, as adults, we often forget how to engage in this kind of play. We get caught up in responsibilities and routines that dampen our enthusiasm and limit our energy. Yet play can act as a gateway to rediscovering that spark.

For instance, I grew up with an ADHD sibling who was always told to "sit still" or "calm down." Their natural energy and curiosity were seen as disruptive, even though they simply processed the world differently. I saw firsthand how this quelling of zeal negatively impacted their self-esteem and confidence. Unfortunately, this is a common experience for many children, especially those who don’t fit into a rigid idea of what “appropriate behavior” looks like.

The same thing happens to adults when we're told to stifle our curiosity, creativity, or exuberance. We learn to tone down our enthusiasm, which in turn, limits our ability to tap into the full power of zeal. Play gives us the permission to break free of those limitations and let our passions flow freely.

Creating a Safe Space for Zeal

While play can be spontaneous, it’s important to foster an environment where everyone feels safe to express themselves. Whether it's a group of kids playing balloon games or adults engaging in creative workshops, safety—both emotional and physical—is paramount.

In my balloon game, we had a "heart agreement" that underscored the importance of care. Each participant agreed to be conscious of their actions, ensuring that they didn't harm themselves or others while playing. By establishing this baseline of safety, we created a space where everyone felt empowered to explore their zeal without fear of judgment or injury.

This same principle applies to any setting where zeal is encouraged. If we want to unleash the full potential of our passions, we must build environments of trust and mutual care. This is how we make room for playful exploration and the growth that comes from it.

Bringing Zeal Into Everyday Life

So how can we bring this powerful, playful energy into our everyday lives?

  1. Schedule Time for Play: Whether it's physical play (like a sport or a game) or creative play (like painting or crafting), setting aside time to engage in fun, low-pressure activities can re-energize your spirit.
  2. Embrace Curiosity: Approach new challenges with the same wonder that a child would. Ask questions, experiment, and don't be afraid to make mistakes—zeal thrives in spaces where you're allowed to try without the fear of failure.
  3. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with people who support your passions and encourage playful energy. A positive, safe environment will help you express your zeal more freely.
  4. Use Play to Solve Problems: Sometimes, the best solutions come from thinking outside the box. Play can help you break out of traditional problem-solving approaches and inject fresh creativity into your process.


Zeal is a powerful force that can fuel our personal growth, creativity, and sense of purpose. By embracing play, we unlock new ways to experience and share this energy with the world. Whether you're a child dive-bombing balloons or an adult engaging in a passion project, remember that zeal is best expressed when you let curiosity and joy lead the way.


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Rewrite this as a blog post, make it funny and it needs to appeal to baby boomers, genxers, millineals and gen z

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The Power of Zeal (AKA Let’s Have a Blast Through Play)

Alright, let’s talk about zeal—and no, I’m not talking about trying to mimic that one super enthusiastic friend of yours. I’m talking about that big, bold energy that makes you jump out of bed and think, “Today I am going to start that project I’ve been thinking about... it’s feeling energetic to jump out of bed and make some coffee!”

Zeal is that vibe where you’re just into it, whether it’s a hobby, your side hustle, or teaching your dog to finally stop stealing socks. It’s the feeling that makes life more exciting and less, “meh.”

But here’s the kicker: if you really want to experience zeal (like, the good stuff), you gotta play. Yes, play! It’s not just for kids, my friends. We’re all in this together, whether you grew up playing in the mud or Atari and Sega were more your jam. Play is for anyone who wants to break out of the daily grind and feel alive again. Trust me on this—play is the delicious Bavarian crème in the center or the éclair.

Coke, Mentos, and the Eruption of Zeal 💥

Let me take you back to a recent Sunday, where our Unity Youth and I set out to demonstrate zeal... with a Coke and Mentos experiment. (Stay with me, a moment.) If you’ve never tried this, grab a 16 oz Coke, funnel in a couple of packages of Mentos, and then get out of its volcanic path. Spoiler: Coke. Will. Erupt.

I was grateful the spray wasn’t so vigorous that we all got soaked but I must admit that was part of the excitement. We got the fizzy energy of zeal. The kids loved it, they had the excitement of anticipation and suddenly the energy in the air was instantly transformed. Sure, we had to be ready to dodge sticky soda, but that eruption perfectly captured what zeal is—energy that can’t be contained, no matter how much you try to keep a lid on it. We did put a lid on it and toss it around a bit to see if we could pop the lid. No such luck and it was a fun experiment.

Just add Coke and Mentos and instant enthusiasm! And isn’t that what we need? I mean, if we could just sprinkle ourselves with pure, radiant, zeal, life would be amazing, right? But stay with me, because it gets even better.

Enter: The Balloon War 🎈(Yes, Really)

After our soda experiment, we went inside for a good old-fashioned balloon game. You know the drill: keep the balloons in the air, act like it's the most important mission of your life, and don’t let them touch the ground. We cranked up the music (and yes, I did honor requests), and let the balloon madness begin. It started off innocent enough—just keeping five balloons from touching the ground. But then, because kids are kids (and chaos is chaos), it quickly escalated into full-on balloon warfare. Pillows became shields, kids were dive-bombing the balloons like they were in some epic action movie, and the laughter was off the charts. Disclaimer: We have a heart agreement that states we care about the safety of our friends. And they really did take care of each other!

Picture it: pure, unfiltered zeal flying around the room like balloons in a windstorm. And let’s be honest—regardless of the generation you’re coming from who doesn’t want to embrace that kind of energy? It was like being 10 years old again, but with better music taste.

Adulting is Boring, So Let’s Play More

Let’s face it—being an adult can get kinda dull. Every day can start to feel much like all the rest. But kids? They’re still living in that sweetness of knowing how to have fun. Their curiosity is limitless, and their energy; it’s like mainlining espresso. Meanwhile, somedays, it takes an act of God to make it through another Zoom meeting.

But here’s the thing: we don’t have to lose that zeal. Somewhere between our first student loan payment and discovering we actually like Brussels sprouts, we forgot how to play. We stopped giving ourselves permission to be loud, silly, and a little reckless with our excitement.

When I was growing up, my sibling had ADHD, and while I could sit still, my sibling’s energy was like a Tasmanian devil on a sugar rush. Everyone kept trying to get them to “calm down” and “be more like me.” Spoiler alert—it didn’t work. What it did do was crush their self-esteem and suck the zeal right out of them. Why must everyone always behave? A life coloring inside the lines all the time, can be exhausting.

So, in my world, we keep that zeal alive and we do it while caring about the safety of others. We give each other permission to feel the freedom to play. But here’s the catch: mistakes happen, it’s easy for thing to get out of hand. That’s why we are reminded to be mindful of practices that could lead to others getting hurt.

So, How Do We Bring Zeal Back into Our Lives?

Glad you asked. If you want to bring some zeal back, here’s your game plan:

  1. Schedule Playtime: Yeah, I said it. Put it on your calendar. Whether it’s a board game, a round of pickleball, or dancing like no one’s watching, you need to PLAY. If kids can carve out time between napping and snack breaks, so can we.
  2. Get Curious Again: Treat life like one big question mark. You don’t have to have all the answers (no one does). Try new things, mess up, laugh at yourself, and try again.
  3. Surround Yourself with Fun People: Hang out with people who make you laugh, who hype you up, and who remind you to not take life too seriously. Zeal thrives in good company. Create the crew you crave and get silly.
  4. Make Work Fun (Even a Little): OK, maybe you can’t turn your office into a balloon battlefield (though, that would be amazing), but you can bring a sense of play into your work. Approach problems with creativity. Celebrate small wins. And don’t be afraid to let your enthusiasm and passionate energy shine during those Zoom meetings.

Final Thoughts: Play Keeps Your Soul Alive

Zeal doesn’t have an age limit. Whether you’re making your debut into the real world (what up, Gen Z!) or contemplating your next life phase (Boomers, we see you saging and thriving), there’s always room for a little playful energy.

So next time you’re feeling stuck, bored, or like you’ve misplaced your zeal somewhere between the laundry pile and your third cup of coffee, play a little. Who knows? You might just find the energy you’ve been missing by bopping a few balloons around.

Let’s all embrace the power of play. Because life is too short to miss out on ZEAL. 🎉