Marianne Williamson said it best:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be gorgeous, fabulous, or talented?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”
Walking through the fear of the unknown is one of life’s fiercest challenges. Fear doesn’t just tap us on the shoulder—it screams in our faces, daring us to back down. But here’s the thing: fear’s bark is always worse than its bite. Think back to times you’ve walked through fear. Didn’t you come out stronger, blessed with growth? By flexing the Power of Faith and the Power of Strength, you can strut into the new year like the unstoppable force you are. Because shrinking back from your full, divine expression doesn’t serve you, your community, or the world.
Faith is like your spiritual Wi-Fi—it keeps you connected to what’s possible, even when the signal feels weak. We’ve all had those moments of knowing we’re meant for more, even when the “how” isn’t clear. Unity teaches us to affirm, “I trust divine order and know that I am guided and supported.” When fear and doubt creep in like noxious weeds, faith shifts your mindset from panic to possibility. It’s the ultimate confidence boost—fear doesn’t stand a chance against the divine truth of who you are.
Then, there’s the Power of Strength. It’s not just about having the grit to act—it’s about facing the emotional and spiritual challenges along the way. Let’s be real: this takes Herculean strength. The good news? God didn’t bring you this far to drop you on your face. You walk in the light of infinite power. Strength is that inner grit that gets you out of bed when life feels heavy. It whispers, “You’ve got this.” With God, nothing is impossible. You are limitless.
Life isn’t just a journey—it’s a heroic adventure. Some days are messy, tough, and painful. But faith and strength are your dynamic duo. Faith says, “Visualize the change and watch it unfold,” while strength reminds you, “Keep going. Don’t give up.” Shine like the boss you are. You deserve all that your heart affirms.
Stepping into your greatness means no more excuses. You’re a walking, talking expression of the Divine. Yes, it’s scary—but also ridiculously empowering. Who are you to doubt this greatness? You are the light that heals, the foundation of justice, the embodiment of love.
So live loud, proud, and fearless. Fear is an illusion. The unknown isn’t something to survive—it’s a blank canvas for your masterpiece. Splash bold colors all over it. Be unstoppable.