In honor of the Lenten season (and, perhaps, April 1st) I want to tell you how Unity teachings have changed my life.
First of all the whole idea of Lent never made much sense to me. Perhaps it was because I had Catholic friends growing up who seemed to take a certain pride in the “sacrifices” they made for Lent: things like chocolate, ice cream, candy, etc. I always felt a bit left out, since my family certainly didn’t observe Lent. And I also felt somewhat smug when I could eat my candy bar or enjoy an ice cream cone. Or perhaps it was a bit of guilt that I didn’t have a sacrifice?
Whatever, imagine my relief to discover that Unity observes Lent, through Charles Fillmore’s book Keep a True Lent. Charles advises us to make the “sacrifice” of practices that don’t serve us, i.e. gossip, judgments, criticism, etc. This idea was a turning point for me. What a gift to myself to give up negative thinking and actions that keep me from remembering who I truly am!
I also learned during my studies at Unity Village that Charles Fillmore could be a practical jokester at times, and that he had quite a sense of humor. So, in that vein, here is a paragraph about what I learned as I became a Unitic (or Unity practitioner!).
I am happy to report that since joining Unity I have become heartened and mayed as well as gruntled. I have only trust, couragement and dain for other people. Others move me to appointment and sension. My vision is torted, and I am definitely a better person since I learned to let go of “dis!”
With love, blessings, and laughs,
Linda Andrus, your Unity Licensed TeacherI