For over a century, Unity has provided a prayer service that assists anyone, anytime, who is in need of support. First called the “Society of Silent Help,” this department of Unity was formed in April, 1890, by Myrtle Fillmore. She envisioned this society as follows:
“All over this land are persons yearning for Truth, yet so dominated by the surrounding error that they find it almost impossible, without a helping hand, to come into harmony with the divine Spirit...The wonderful success of absent healing demonstrates that bodily presence is not necessary to those in spiritual harmony.”
The first “Society of Silent Help” consisted of a band of people who would meet in silent soul communion every night at 10, holding in prayer “all those who are in trouble, sickness, or poverty and who sincerely desire the help of the Good Father.” The members of the Society agreed to sit in a quiet spot, every night. They meditated on the idea of God until this became a reality in their minds and hearts. They affirmed God’s goodness was being brought forth in their minds, bodies, and affairs. They made these affirmations for one another and for others who had asked for prayer. They would speak aloud these names, and they would affirm the connection with God for each one, with health, love, wisdom, harmony and any other blessing that they felt was needed. All they asked in return was that the person also join with them at 10 p.m., wherever they were, in prayers of their own.
Before long, the Fillmores realized that the power of God, being omnipresent, was not limited only to people in the Kansas City area, let alone those who could actually join in prayer at 10 p.m. The Society began to receive letters asking for prayer support from all over the country. The time of silent joining was changed to 9 p.m. in May, 1890, to accommodate people who wanted to join in but needed to meet at an earlier time. Each month a new affirmation, or prayer, was printed in the magazine published by Unity, to be used by all those who were joining in this sacred circle.
In the spring of 1891, Charles Fillmore had a revelation that his movement should be called “Unity”, and the first Unity Magazine was published in June. The “Society of Silent Help” became the “Society of Silent Unity.” Through the century Silent Unity has become the clearing house for prayer requests, with thousands of people contacting them daily, either by phone, by mail, or now by e-mail. In the past year, due to Covid-19, Silent Unity workers have been working out of their homes. But the prayer tower on Unity Village grounds is still lit, and remains a symbol of hope for all of us.
Unity Worldwide Ministries has recently published another booklet about the power of centering prayer, as described above. I have ordered copies for everyone who would like to have stories and prayers for specific circumstances to use in their daily lives. Please be sure to pick up a copy for yourself anytime you’re at the church. We all know “Unity is the light that shines for you!”
Love and blessings,
Linda Andrus, your Licensed Unity Teacher